Poker Hand Odds Calculator Online
Becoming a human poker calculator doesn’t require a degree in advanced mathematics. In fact, you don’t even have to memorize the numerical underpinnings of poker in order to triumph at the virtual felt for one simple reason: our dedicated online poker calculator.
Designed to provide a mathematical breakdown of every possible match-up and showdown you’ll face at the table, the Poker Sites calculator is the perfect tool for players of all persuasions. Whether you’re a seasoned grinder reviewing a tough session or a novice looking to improve your understanding of the game, our poker hand calculator is an indispensable tool to have in your arsenal.
Why a Poker Calculator is Important?
Aside from psychology and timing, poker is essentially a game of odds and outs which means you have to know how the numbers stack up in each situation. By using a poker probability calculator, you’ll be able to build up an awareness of when you’re in a position or strength and when you should head for the hills.
By knowing the numerical breakdown of poker’s common situations, you’ll stand a much better chance of pulling off a successful bluff, profitably chasing a gin card and making money against less informed opponents.
The most popular Poker Odds Calculator helps you win more hands when playing poker online. Poker Hand Strength Calculator Download: How to Determine hand strength and win chance in Poker? Learn how to play poker better with t.

To break the rules and manipulate players you need to master the rules and that’s why it’s important to review your poker hands using an odds calculator.
How to use our Online Poker Calculator
Poker Hand Odds Calculator Online Calculator
So, you’ve decided you’re ready to start bluffing like a champ and only chase that pretty flush draw with the right odds, now all you need to use our poker calculator. In an effort to make the software as efficient and intuitive as possible, our probability calculator looks like a standard online table.
Calculate your odds of winning and get coaching advice in Texas Hold'em poker quickly using Edge Poker advanced view. The Poker Hand Range Calculator calculates Texas Hold'em hand ranges from percentage values and vice-versa. All this online and free. Setup a poker range by selecting the hands in the poker hand calculator and share the link which is automatically generated for you. Supports over 300 online poker rooms. Click Here for the complete list. Spyware/Adware Free! Download Holdem Indicator Poker Calculator and start winning more hands today! Check out Omaha Indicator and Stud Indicator, the ultimate poker odds calculator for Omaha and Stud games. Poker Calculator for Mac OS - iHoldem Indicator, iOmaha Indicator.
Poker Hand Odds Calculator Online Casino
Allowing you to animate poker hands as they happened, the Poker Sites calculator will crunch numbers and spit out the correct answer in the following ways:
- Choose your poker variant: Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo, Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo No Qualifier or Razz.
- Select at least two starting hands by “Dealing In” a player (players can also be “Dealt Out) and clicking (or dragging) the appropriate cards.
- Click “Calculate Odds” to find out the pre-flop statistics for each hand: Win, Tie and Lose.
- To compare post-flop numbers, click three cards to complete the flop and hit “Calculate Odds”. This process can be repeated for the turn card.
- If you’re playing a poker variant where it’s important to know the folded cards, such as Seven Card Stud, then you can also choose to “Fold” an active player. This will dim their hand but still take the visible cards into consideration when performing a calculation.
- To clear a scenario and start again, simply click “Reset”.
Using Poker Sites Calculator to Improve Your Game
Now you know how to use our poker calculator online, you’re probably keen to know how you can use it to improve your game.
Although you don’t have to be Albert Einstein when it comes to solving mathematical equations, it does pay to have some appreciation of the numbers involved in various poker showdowns. Fortunately, for those with arithmophobia (someone scared of numbers), a lot of the math you’re required to do at the table is too complex to work out on the spot.
Because of this, an online poker calculator is a necessary tool. By running through enough situations, you’ll build up an unconscious awareness of when a situation is mathematically profitable and when it isn’t.
To make sure you play all your poker hands correctly and get maximum value from our probability calculator, make sure you keep the following points in mind:
- Different Games = Different Odds: Our exclusive poker calculator has been designed to cover seven poker variants. Although this may seem excessive, it’s actually important because each game has different dynamics and, therefore, odds. In fact, when you play with our poker hand calculator enough, you’ll see that statistical match-ups you find in Hold’em will be vastly different from those in Omaha, Stud and Razz.
- Hold’em to Memory: One of the best ways to improve your overall understanding of poker probability is to start with Texas Hold’em. Because each player only has two cards, it’s a lot easier to memorize the numbers in each major scenario. For example, in Texas Hold’em a pair of overcards, such as A-K, against a pair of deuces will basically be a 50/50 match-up (Deuces are actually a 52.35% favorite).
As you can see, it’s not vitally important that you memorize the exact percentages. Instead, you should remember that a pair versus two overcards is roughly an even money race. Using this logic you can run through dozens of match-ups and once you’ve built up a bank of knowledge you can use it to understand other games.
While you’ll still need to use the Poker Sites calculator to run through scenarios for each variant, the data you’ve gleaned from mastering Hold’em will give you a solid foundation to work from. For example, in Omaha, you may not know that statistical breakdown of A-K-7-6 vs. 8-8-5-4. However, because you know from your knowledge of Hold’em that A-K vs. 8-8 is roughly 50/50, you’ll be able to work out that the odds will be similar this figure. In fact, when use our online poker calculator, you’ll see that the odds are actually 53.18% in favor of 8-8-5-4 which is pretty close.
- Do Your Homework: On top of running through pre and post-flop situations without any context, you should use our poker probability calculator to assess how you played a session. By saving the poker hands you play at our recommended poker sites, you’ll be able to reconstruct them using our hand replayer.
In fact, every successful player will use a probability calculator to run through tricky hands they’ve played. Pouring over poker hands and working out the mathematics in each spot will help you understand why a move lost you money. Conversely, you can also use our poker calculator to assess winning hands so you can see why the pot went your way.
Test it Out
Poker Hand Odds Calculator online, free

Basically, if you want to become a winner grinder online, poker calculators are essential. When you sign up for any of our recommended poker sites we want to give you a complete service and that means showing you how to make the most money possible.
Far from pointing you to the most profitable US poker rooms and leaving it at that, we’ve also put together a plethora of strategy advice and learning aides. Without doubt, the most important tool on offer is our poker calculator and you should use this not only at the start of your career, but on a daily basis to make your road to riches a lot smoother.
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Online poker odds calculators are poker software tools that automatically calculate the poker odds for a hand, using the information that is available. These poker statistics that the poker odds calculators generate are especially useful as a tool for beginner poker players who are not completely familiar with the odds of making different poker hands. Advanced poker players will be more interested in products such as Holdem Ranger that allowed for detailed calculations of equity using hand ranges. If you are interested in extremely detailed mathematical projections of poker situations and aren't afraid to get elbow deep in formulas then check out Pokerazor. Simple Free Poker Calculators can be found on sites like and
Most poker calculators will display your odds of making a variety of hands such as straights, flushes, full houses, etc. as well as your opponents' odds of having those hands. In most poker odds calculators, all of these statistics are combined to give you an estimated win percentage as well as a recommended action. Some poker odds calculators run in real time and read the cards that are on the table to gather the data. Others, such as PokerStove, are used on their own and require the user to enter all of the hand information.
When deciding what kind of Hold'em calculator you want to use, take into consideration what features you would like to have. If you are interested in getting probabilities and only play a single table, check out the Poker Wingman poker odds calculator. It attached to a single table and offers odds and advice based on customizable playing style settings. If you want to go through and analyze hands after they have been played to find out if you put your money in correctly vs. your opponent's range of hands, check out PokerStove or Hold'em Ranger. For a solid free poker odds calculator, check out Magic Holdem.
Poker odds calculators are extremely useful tools when used correctly. Do not make the mistake of choosing one that gives poor advice or incorrect statistics. Some calculators are banned at certain poker sites. This is usually because you are not allowed to use programs that give advice in real time. Another reason that online poker calculators such as Poker-edge are banned is because they used a central database of hand histories to calculate opponent's playing styles and makes recommendations based on that.
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