Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020

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  1. Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020 Football
  2. Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020 Super Bowl
  • Year of 2020: Put your best foot forward, Pisces! With Venus in your sign from January 13-February 7 and conjunct Neptune on January 27, you’re making quite an impression at the start of 2020.
  • Pisces Horoscope Today, Sunday 2020/12/13. Love, Money and Luck, Health and Friendship Pisces, what do you think if today you try something different and give your day a change, it will do you good to get out of the routine and break with all that monotonous that only makes you feel tired of continuing with your life.
  • Pisces career horoscope 2020. Pisces natives have always wanted to be free and independent, to try on new things rather than get used to working with the old solutions. 2020 brings new opportunities to the table, making it possible for them to decide for themselves what they want to do. The past years have been unrewarding and uninteresting.

In 2020 the planets will guide you to your lucky zone. If you’re looking to make progress in life and you consider consistent progress fortunate or lucky, Great! In astrology or horoscopes, when talking about luck, we look to the planets Jupiter of course and then Uranus with his unsuspecting windfalls and unpredictable good fortune. As the factor of luck is a pretty important aspect in the online casino gambling world, we’ve decided to come up with a Gambling Horoscope for this year, for each of the twelve zodiac signs. So, feel free to browse through our list today and find out some useful details and characteristics that are typical for your sign. Gambling Horoscope 2020.

If your birth date falls between February 19 and March 20, your zodiac sign is Pisces.

  • Element: Water
  • Quadruplicity: Mutable
  • Ruler: Neptune
  • Natural House: The 12th
  • Parts of the body associated with Pisces: The feet

According to your horoscope, home is very much one of the focal points for all of 2020, Pisces.

Update: The Pisces 2021 Horoscope is published.

Your needs there…your dreams there. The kind of place you want to live in….from the furnishings to the intimate relationships you nurture there will all come into clear focus as the year rolls along.

Hard work with plenty of rewards, a touch of good luck and delicious destiny as well as some incredible eclipse action all comes together to make this a very prominent period for building your own personal castle..and filling it with everything you most adore and love.

With three lunar eclipses adding spice and excitement to home, then communications and close to home connections and on to the future and an intense period of spirituality and learning the lunar tone set for this year is one of clarity on all levels.

Two solar eclipses also take front and center stage. The first occurs in June and adds more ego centered action to the home front.

There are new ways to give life and love to those who make up this important realm in your world..and this eclipse encourages you to find it.

Coming in powerfully in December is a total eclipse of the Sun that promises new adventures in connection with your work, career and/or avocation.

All that work done earlier on building something secure and steady to support you pays off in surprising opportunities.

Love predictions

Previous regrets or deeply felt doubts in key relationships will be steadily addressed in the first 3 months of 2020, Pisces: early this year watch for loved ones to adopt a more accepting and openly communicative attitude.

Many Pisceans will now move almost lifeless relationships into a new arena of shared curiosity, excitement and romantic appreciation.

Let all progress naturally, Pisces: until mid to late March long-term romantic partners will need to feel in control of this delicate emotional process.

Single Pisceans may be presented with a mildly unethical choice before late March: watch for authority figures, mentors or older friends to make unexpected romantic overtures.

Go slow here, Pisces, and subtly state your boundaries: all will revert back to normal in early April.

Some Pisceans, especially those born between March 10th and 20th, may also experience the dramatic appearance of a highly seductive relationship.

If single, Pisces, all will be well: expect this new relationship, although unusual, to meet a great many of your previously unfulfilled social and physical needs.

If already attached, however, a rare emotional triangle may exist for most of April and May.

Opt for long-term security and predictability here, Pisces: this is not the right time to take on risky relationships or unusual emotional challenges.

Later this year watch also for loved ones to actively need your continued support and encouragement.

A recent series of emotional or family changes may cause others to feel vulnerable, exposed or misunderstood.

Be supportive, Pisces: positive romantic gains, newly honest communications and shared creativity will be the result after late August.

A delicate and highly promising year, Pisces: take extra time to reward the emotional progress of loved ones.

Health horoscope

Just as the natives of the previous zodiac sign, you will be more concerned about your state of health and of your body during this year than lately.

You make appointments at the doctor, at the dentist, you even propose interventions that you’ve postponed for years, for example, removing beauty marks or solving other issues that are on your improving health list.

You receive astral energy to successfully accomplish your plans in a busy year such as the current one.


A greater attention for your rest is required because sleep helps your body to regenerate and to recharge energetically.

Money & career horoscope

You know, for the most part, what you need to feel supported. There are, of course, the basics…food, shelter, love.

Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020

Beyond that, there are the personal things, the collections, the reserves in the bank, the contract that lets you feel secure about the future in regards to a job…things that are uniquely your own requirements.

With so much focus on home you should also put attention on what you need in that area to feel safe, secure and comfortable.

Beyond that…because this year highlights a certain independence and self reliance, you should make concise lists of what you can get and earn and create on your own and what needs assistance from others.

Common sense…defined goal lists and plenty of hard work make just about anything..possible.

2020 Pisces Horoscope Month by Month

  • January – This month, your enthusiasm will be excellent to obtain the desired professional achievements such as promotions, trips abroad, etc.
  • February – The relationship with your partner will need a few changes, but try to maintain your family values and traditions.
  • March – This month, the Pisces will need greater involvement and more activity at work if they want to succeed in their professional life.
  • April – The Pisces are advised to maintain their routine of physical exercises and diet to have a better level of energy this month.
  • May – May is a good time to invest in real estate and land. However, pay attention to the more subtle details of these deals before you venture into any high-value acquisitions for that period.
  • June – Your metabolism is going to be excellent. Make sure you eat fresh and stay away from processed food during this period.
  • July – Concentrate on one or two projects, and focus your energy to finalize them successfully.
  • August – Passion, and romance are in the air in August. It’s up to you if you take advantage of this aspect for your relationships to thrive.
  • September – The single Pisces will have many dates, and it is possible to meet their soul mate.
  • However, don’t be hasty. Weigh the pros and cons before venturing into a new love or friendship relationship.
  • October – Don’t diversify your professional activities this month. Focus on one or two projects, and spend your energy to complete them successfully.
  • November – You need to have a balanced approach in all your financial plans. The investments from the previous months could bring a good profit for some Pisces.
  • December – The end of the year will bring some minor health problems and general fatigue, which will need proper attention so you can avoid their aggravated effects later on.

Change Yourself in Positive Ways in 2020

It is still inner awareness, self motivations and personal secrets which bring the most surprising change into your world.

The past reflects career and things you’ve learned over the course of your life that can help you initiate changes there.

The future is all home, home, home and this nodal transit just adds more emphasis to this over-all focus of 2020.

New people and new arrangements…perhaps a new house or a dramatic and much needed redecorating are in store.

Remember that you are the creator of your life…and make these promised changes ones that you have been hoping for.

More 2020 Horoscopes

The money and professional gods are not only working to make the final weeks of this financial and professional year as opportune as possible, they have a good chance of pulling it off. The Sun will always spend the first three weeks of December in your career sector but a total solar eclipse here on 14th December could be a catalyst or trigger for either immediate developments or a flow on effect into next year. This is a direct result of having the South Node in your career sector since May and is equivalent to an earthquake releasing pent up energy. Once dispersed, this can take on a life of its own.

Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020

However, with Mercury in your income sector from 2nd December and Venus from 16th December, there is plenty of support to run with whatever this might trigger. This includes from Mars, with the warrior planet of the cosmos working to make the most of both his first full month in direct motion and his last full month in your income sector. Mars will leave your income sector on 7th January but with Venus, the planet of money in your career sector from 16th December to 9th January, she will cover him during his final weeks and they will work together to help each other out.

Meanwhile, while the Sun and Mercury will both return to your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking on 21st December and this is where they will spend the rest of the year, this comes just a day after Jupiter leaves. Saturn will leave your friendship sector three days earlier, with his departure and return to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart leading the way for Jupiter to follow three days later. This is when Saturn begins the nearly three year wind down of your current three decades Saturn cycle while Jupiter will return for a more speedy wind down of your current 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion, with the planet of luck and expansion returning to Pisces in May.

Pisces December 2020 Love Horoscope

Barring extraordinary circumstances, which is not the case in 2020, you will always end the year with no planetary activity in your romantic or relationship sectors but with a lot having already been banked. Held back by a retrograde phase Venus, the planet of love has been running behind schedule and didn’t leave your romantic sector until September and your relationship sector until October. In contrast, Venus will leave your romantic sector in June and your relationship sector in August in 2021. This means that you move into the final month of 2021 with romantic and relationship matters having more recently received an update.

Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020 Football

However, the love and relationship gods do have a few secret weapons up their sleeves, over and above the Moon’s last visit to each for the year that can provide some additional support. For your relationships, it is having Uranus in his last full month in retrograde motion in your communication sector and the promise of Mars’ return in the New Year. This is something that the Moon will be able to draw on when it makes its last visit to your relationship sector for the year from 7th December to 9th December. It is the Moon’s friendly aspect to Uranus and other support that will make it easier to give your emotional responses, relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice.

Meanwhile, the Moon will visit your romantic sector twice this month, with its last visit for the year running from 24th December to 27th December. That’s right, there will be romantically charged lunar vibes in play over Christmas this year. However, it is the Moon’s first visit for the month that is even more exciting. Moving through from 2nd December to 5th December, the Moon will form a friendly aspect to Venus, who is in an adventurous part of your chart until 16th December. Venus, the planet of love is already working to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together, with romantically charged lunar vibes adding extra fuel to this.

Pisces December 2020 Money Horoscope

This is likely to be a good month on both sides of the financial fence, with Venus’ departure from your financial sector in the closing days of November having killed two birds with one stone. As the last planet to move through your financial sector this year and as a retrograde phase earlier in the year meant she was late to return and therefore late to leave, Venus has left you with your financial confidence fuelled, a clear financial mandate and momentum. At the same time, her departure has taken the pressure off Mars, just as the warrior planet of the cosmos was preparing to move into his last full month in your income sector.

This allows you to move forward feeling confident and in control when it comes to money matters but without the financial tension of recent months and with a chance to put all your resources onto the income side of the financial fence. After two months in retrograde motion, Mars is ready to get things moving and to make this final month here as lucrative as possible. Mars returned in June for what should have been a six week assault on glass ceilings, roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined but instead, his longest visit in 32 years is now moving into its final and most potentially lucrative weeks.

What makes Mars’ final month here even more potentially lucrative than it would otherwise be is the support. The Sun will always spend the first three weeks of December in your career sector but with Mercury here from 2nd December to 21st December and Venus, the planet of money from 16th December, this is the perfect point in the year professionally. It is not just that Mars has the kind of professional momentum that can get things moving on the income front that makes this important but the friendly aspects the planets will make as they move through your career sector.

Pisces December 2020 Career Horoscope

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of December in your career sector, this is always a professionally focused point of any year, with the solar spotlight on your career and professional situation, matters and options. However, because the Sun always leaves on the December solstice and is always gone by Christmas, this is often a time for tying up the loose ends of your professional year, ready to take your professional hat off over the holiday period. The bad news is that there won’t be a chance to take your professional hat off this year but the good news is that it is for all the right and opportune reasons.

The Sun will be joined by Mercury, who having being held back by a retrograde phase will finally return to your career sector on 2nd December. Mercury gives you the intellectually savvy edge and articulation needed to work smarter, get your head in the game, ideas on the table and the communication lines open but also to make choices, decisions and plans. The Sun and Mercury will both leave your career sector on 21st December, making this a focused period, where it is about exploring options, making decisions and approaching career matters in an objective and strategic way.

Pisces Gambling Luck Today 2020 Super Bowl

This will help you prepare for the Moon’s return from 13th December to 15th December and the total solar eclipse this will create on 14th December. This can generate a wave of new energy, momentum and potential but it can also act as a wildcard, opening doors where you didn’t know there were any. With the Sun and Mercury leaving just days later this doesn’t give you much time to explore what this might trigger but this is when the good news/bad news mentioned earlier comes it. Just two days later, held back by a retrograde phase Venus will finally return on 16th December and here until 9th January, will stay on to exploit anything the solar eclipse might trigger and take this with her into 2021.